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We thrive at the intersection of law, policy, engineering and science. Environmental issues are complex. Legal is an important perspective but rarely the only one. We strategize with consultants, engineers, in-house counsel and project managers to find solutions. Our team-oriented approach is one way we help clients bring projects in on time and within budget.

We know the rules better than any other law firm because we helped create them. Our environment and land use attorneys participated in drafting the ESA and related laws and regulations. We’re involved in litigation and appeals shaping land use and environmental law both in California and throughout the U.S., and have litigated hundreds of reported cases in these areas. We come armed to win on day one.

We guide clients through complex challenges to cost-effective solutions by providing tailored counsel on endangered species, energy and renewables, natural resources and land use involving multimillion-dollar developments and large, public infrastructure projects.

We’ve earned a national reputation for assisting clients in achieving their goals. As a result, public agencies, private corporations, trade associations and non-profits from coast to coast trust us with their environment & land use, endangered species and natural resource law challenges.

Clients appreciate our ability to plan and implement. Simply put, we deliver – whether that means obtaining permits and authorizations in a timely manner, engaging in compliance counseling to reduce litigation risk, advocating for clients and negotiating policy on Capitol Hill, or litigating in federal and state trial and appellate courts. We move matters forward in an efficient, cost effective manner.


"A big strength is the deep bench. Nossaman has specialists in nearly every field we could ever need, so we know that we can get precise advice in even arcane subjects in law." - Client commentary, Chambers USA

Keep informed with the latest news, events, and policy impacting endangered species issues in California and throughout the U.S.

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