Clearing the Way for the Completion of $1.5 Billion Rail Project

We advised the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority regarding environmental compliance for $1.5 billion, seven-mile, light rail transit project connecting Los Angeles with Santa Monica, California.

We were counsel to the agency in successful defense of Project in litigation under NEPA and California Environmental Quality Act.  The federal District Court dismissed the NEPA claims and California Supreme Court affirmed lower court judgment upholding project approvals.  Neighborhood for Smart Rail v. Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority, 42 Cal.4th 439 (2013). 

The issues addressed included: (1) Segmentation of Project; (2) Methodology for evaluation of impacts on air quality, traffic and greenhouse gas emissions; (3) evaluation of cumulative and growth-inducing impacts; and (4) evaluation of Project alternatives.  The Court's decision allows construction of the project to continue on schedule and to provide desperately needed traffic relief to the residents of Los Angeles County.

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