Paul Weiland Comments on What to Expect in California Environmental Landscape During Second Trump Term

Daily Journal

Paul Weiland was quoted in the Daily Journal article “Newsom, Bonta Fire First Salvo in California v Trump, Round 2.” The article looks at how post-election [2024], the California Legislature was called into special session by Governor Gavin Newsom to “safeguard California values and fundamental rights in the face of an incoming Trump administration.”

Discussing how this may play out in the environmental realm, Paul said he “expects the sides to battle over a variety of environmental policies in the next four years.”

Paul added, “In many areas of environmental law, the state can impose protections that are more stringent than or in addition to the federal government … So, for example, in the areas of water quality and endangered species, California already has its own laws and regulations. One area where there could be conflict is management of federal lands within California. In general, federal lands are not subject to state environmental laws.”

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