Land Use Planning and Development: Case Law and Takings Update

County Counsels’ Association of California’s Land Use Study Section Fall 2023 Meeting
Seaside, CA
8:30 – 10:30 a.m. PT

On November 30, 2023, Brad Kuhn participated in the “Land Use Planning and Development: Case Law and Takings Update” during the County Counsels’ Association of California’s Land Use Study Section Fall 2023 Meeting. Brad and his co-panelists provided an update on recent eminent domain and inverse condemnation takings litigation and legislation in California and how it can impact public agencies throughout the state.

The County Counsels’ Association of California is comprised of public attorneys who provide legal advice and representation to California's 58 counties and other units of local government. The legal services needs of each county are substantially similar. However, geographic separation of the County Counsels can create a duplication of effort with respect to their services. The Association serves to mitigate duplication and improve the cost effectiveness of each office by creating a strong communication system linking each County Counsel. The Association provides the opportunity for a stronger, more unified voice for the public lawyer in serving the needs of clients.

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