Paul Weiland Comments on Paris Agreement Withdrawal, Renewable Energy Trends


Paul Weiland was quoted in the Law360 article, “U.S. To Formally Abandon Paris Climate Deal, For Now” (subscription required). The article examines the impact of the United States’ official withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change, which took place on November 4, 2020.

For the U.S., Paul said, “There's a path back in [to the Paris Agreement], because the negotiators from the other nations are realists and they see that it's much more valuable to have the U.S. in the agreement than out." He continued, "It would be the same if China had dropped out and wanted back in — it would be foolish to not give them that path because otherwise it makes it much more difficult to meet our ultimate goals."

Additionally, Paul offered his thoughts on market forces helping the process of achieving emission reductions, as coal has fallen out of favor and renewable energy sources have become more affordable and gained ground. He said that this trend is “likely to continue, regardless of what the federal government does or doesn't do.” He added, “The only way solar and wind made sense for a long time was because they were being propped up, frankly, in the market by the government. But that's changed.”

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