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We possess an in-depth understanding of the legal and political issues and constraints confronting public entities.  We understand our clients’ missions and goals and are dedicated to helping achieve them.  As a result, we are proud of our extensive experience with public agencies and the role we play in helping them improve the quality of people’s lives.

Under pressure from all sides – regulatory, budgetary, political, and the public – governmental agencies need experienced public sector representation.  We have served public clients for decades, representing more than 200 agencies and governmental entities at the local, state and federal levels.  We are adept at successfully navigating the legal complexities facing the public sector.

We provide a broad range of transactional, litigation, legal counseling and advisory services to clients.  We help clients build public infrastructure, manage natural resources and entitle private development.  We assist them in closing real estate deals, address high-stakes litigation and provide healthcare services.  They count on us to help them protect workplaces and advocate for legislative changes.  We work closely with agency boards, staff, and consultants to manage our legal work efficiently and cost-effectively to help clients achieve their goals – from the planning stage to completion.

Clients know our broad expertise, coupled with our litigation prowess, provides them with a distinct advantage.  We identify and carry out strategies to ensure clients meet their goals while minimizing risks.  Our knowledge of the issues and experience with public entities enables us to anticipate and resolve many legal issues before they become problems.

We are keenly aware of the importance of responsiveness and are cognizant of the scrutiny public agencies face.  Our attorneys understand the importance of accountability and the need to provide creative, cost efficient solutions.  We are committed to serving our clients through realistic budgets and highly capable and responsive service that protects them and the public interest.

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