Paul Weiland Discusses Trump Administration’s Potential Impact on U.S. Offshore Wind Industry


Paul Weiland was quoted in the Recharge article “US offshore wind puts on brave face, but Trump victory ‘doesn’t bode well’ for industry: analysts” (subscription required). The article provides an overview of the potential impact the incoming Trump administration could have on the industry. Recharge writes that renewables advocates point to the growth of clean energy under President-elect Trump’s first term while industry opponents are enthused by his sector antagonism.

Commenting for the article, Paul said offshore wind won’t be a “high priority for a Trump White House relative to other policy areas.”

Paul noted key appointees, such as the leadership positions at Department of the Interior, BOEM’s parent and the DOJ “likely will be consequential.” He closed by telling Recharge, “Implications for offshore wind will depend substantially on the leadership team and their priorities.”

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