
Liz Klebaner advises private and public agency clients on a variety of complex land use and environmental matters, including California Environmental Quality Act, National Environmental Policy Act, California Coastal Act, Williamson Act, Subdivision Map Act, Planning and Zoning Law, and federal and state environmental regulatory compliance. Liz also litigates in state and federal court. Liz’s coverage of new CEQA legislation and other CEQA-related developments has appeared in trade publications and in online and print environmental law news outlets. Liz also frequently speaks on CEQA, NEPA and coastal law matters.

Liz is co-chair of Nossaman’s Pro Bono Committee. Her work as Committee co-chair includes mentoring junior attorneys, fostering partnerships between Nossaman and pro bono legal services organizations, and overseeing charitable contributions to organizations that deliver pro bono legal services. Liz also handles pro bono immigration and asylum matters.

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