Key CEQA Compliance Considerations for Vehicle Miles Traveled Analyses

Nossaman Webinar
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT

On August 4, 2020, Liz Klebaner and Robert Thornton presented “Key CEQA Compliance Considerations for Vehicle Miles Traveled Analyses” along with Keith Greer from the San Diego Association of Governments and Ronald Milam from Fehr & Peers.

This complimentary webinar examined the California Natural Resources Agency’s new guidelines for traffic and transportation impacts analyses under CEQA through legal, planning and technical perspectives. Our panel provided practical advice for preparing defensible vehicle miles traveled (VMT) analyses. 

Topics covered included:

  • Key legal risks for new road construction and development
  • Essential considerations in preparing a defensible VMT analysis
  • Identification of key compliance problems from the perspective of CEQA practitioners
  • Viable and potential VMT mitigation strategies
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