Endangered Species Act, Wetlands and Stormwater Regulatory Compliance for Energy & Utilities
EUCI Online Course
10.04.2021 - 10.05.2021
Brooke Marcus served as an instructor for EUCI's online course, "Endangered Species Act, Wetlands and Stormwater Regulatory Compliance for Energy & Utilities."
During this two-day educational event, Brooke and her fellow instructors:
- Reviewed utility and energy project activities that are likely to “trigger” environmental regulation under Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and National Environmental Policy Act;
- Discussed the basis and intent of these regulations;
- Identified endangered vs. threatened species, critical habitat designation, consultation process, penalties and more when it comes to the Endangered Species Act;
- Defined the National Historic Preservation Act, as well as the actions that may cause adverse effects, potential historic properties, and more;
- Reviewed the Clean Water Act, including Sections 303, 401, 402, and 404;
- Examined nationwide permits in order to understand what they do, where they are used, special considerations, etc.;
- Provided insight on the National Environmental Policy Act, such as its history, regulations, requirements and reforms; and
- Reviewed what’s included in the Coastal Zone Management Act.