Paul Weiland’s Win for American Stewards of Liberty in Bone Cave Harvestman ESA Matter Highlighted


Paul Weiland was quoted in the Greenwire article “How the courthouse came to be a major habit for the ESA.” The article examines how litigation has become more and more commonplace regarding ESA listings, with Greenwire noting that of “53 final ESA actions taken by the Fish and Wildlife Service between Jan. 1, 2022, and May 1, 2023, in the Federal Register during the 16-month period, at least 38 involved species that had been the subject of lawsuits.”

The article notes Paul’s win for American Stewards of Liberty in 2019 “challenging the Fish and Wildlife Service on the continued listing of a spider called the Bone Cave Harvestman” and highlights Paul’s argument that the “species was listed on the false premise that its entire distribution was limited to just a half-dozen or fewer caves [when] it is now known to persist in over 170 caves.”

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