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We help nurture, expand and protect businesses.  From governance, financing, and transactional counsel to tax and restructuring services, we take care of their legal needs so our clients can focus on what they do best – taking care of business.

Our clients are leaders and innovators in the healthcare, retail, technology, hospitality, energy, real estate, and public sectors. We assist them in all manner of business transactions, including capital formation, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, financings, conversions and restructurings and strategic alliances/joint ventures.

Legal advice is but one of dozens of factors involved in a company’s day-to-day strategic decisions; however, the right legal counsel can also be a critical competitive advantage. Clients benefit from our holistic approach to transactions as well as our close collaboration with our real estate, intellectual property, health law, employment and pensions, benefits & investments colleagues. Together, we’re helping solve the complex business issues that enable clients to reach their goals.

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