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Whether bringing goods to store shelves, people to work or families together – transportation affects our lives on a daily basis.  We’re working to help ease congestion, improve safety, preserve the environment and lessen the impact on public budgets.  When public agencies, businesses and property owners face transportation challenges, they turn to Nossaman.

We help bring transportations projects to fruition.  We lay the legislative groundwork, clear environmental hurdles, acquire the necessary right-of-way, devise procurement strategies and help close the deals that bring opportunities to our communities.

We work on highways, tollways, light and heavy rail, tunnels, bridges, airports and ports.  Our work ranges from establishing habitat conservation plans to precondemnation planning and the development of intermodal legislative policy.  Our attorneys work with financial and technical advisors, architects, engineers, consultants and construction firms.  Our experience enables us to see potential issues years before they may arise.  Our strategic view helps clients manage risk and deliver their projects on time.

We understand the important role transportation plays locally and nationally.  We are committed to helping plan, develop and deliver new and upgraded transportation systems.

Our Infrastructure Group was proud to assist the Nebraska Department of Transportation on the Lincoln South Beltway project’s innovative P3 approach to project delivery and financial structure.

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