Loper Bright Podcast Highlighted by the Daily Journal

Daily Journal

The Daily Journal, California’s leading legal newspaper, reposted Nossaman’s podcast “The Loper Bright Decision – What Really Happened to Chevron and What's Next.”

In the podcast, Paul Weiland and Brooke Marcus discuss how "Chevron deference" has loomed large over administrative law during the past four decades and the impact of the Loper Bright decision. The Loper Bright decision overruled Chevron deference, and for those interested in federal administrative law or how this major Supreme Court decision will impact federal environmental and natural resource laws, Brooke and Paul explain the role of Chevron deference pre-Loper Bright, what the Loper Bright decision really did and what that means for federal environmental and natural resource laws going forward.

The episode was originally part of Nossaman’s Digging Into Land Use Law podcast, which covers the development of all things in, on or above the ground. Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so you don't miss an episode!

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