
Fred Dombo serves as chair of Nossaman's Government Relations & Regulation Group. He combines experience as an aide to Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committees on Appropriations and Energy & Commerce with 25 years of private practice to provide clients with cost effective advice on the legal and political implications of their government relations activities.

Fred advises clients on local, state and federal pay to play, campaign and lobby laws, gift rules, ethics compliance and investigations. His practice includes counsel to nonprofit advocacy organizations with respect to their general operations, as well as their compliance requirements with Internal Revenue Service regulations and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Fred also serves as a lobbyist for private and public sector clients on authorization and appropriations issues. He speaks widely on ethics and election law reform issues. 

Fred’s practice includes creation and implementation of strategic communication plans regarding the public policy aspects of clients’ advocacy campaigns or government/legal dilemmas. He has been active in many presidential nominating conventions and political campaigns and has supported candidates for state and national offices. He speaks widely on ethics, lobbying and campaign finance at the local, state and federal levels. 

Fred serves on Nossaman’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee and chairs the Nossaman LLP Political Action Committee.

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