Brooke Marcus Wahlberg Recognized as a Texas Trailblazer for 2020

Texas Lawyer

Brooke Marcus Wahlberg was named a Texas Trailblazer for 2020 by Texas Lawyer. "Texas Trailblazers" is a special supplement that profiles a select group of lawyers from across the state that "have taken extra measures to contribute to positive outcomes" and are "truly agents of change." Brooke was recognized for her proactive approaches when "advising energy clients on compliance with federal wildlife laws."

Texas Lawyer notes that among the many trails blazed by Brooke, one of the most impressive was "being the legal brains behind the first programmatic species conservation bank in the U.S. . . . [She] is no stranger to working with clients to achieve their energy development goals while helping to protect and mitigate harm to endangered species."

The profile goes on to describe a recent successful Endangered Species Act and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act permitting effort for a wind energy developer - "one of the first combined permits under the ESA and BGEPA, and one of the first eagle authorizations under the amended eagle permit program."

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