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Legislative intent, regulatory rule making and agency enforcement don’t always align with business goals. We help clients promote their interests and achieve results at all levels of government. We thrive at the nexus of politics, regulation and business.

Our excellent record working with lawmakers, regulators and the executive branch is the result of strong relationships coupled with in-depth, substantive knowledge in key industries. We have an exemplary record of accomplishment advocating on behalf of private businesses and government clients in front of both the state and federal legislatures and administrative agencies. We also assist clients for whom a ballot measure is the most appropriate way to resolve an issue.

Our federal and state ethics and compliance legal practice provides counsels on lobbying registration, election laws and gift rules. We advise Fortune 500 companies, associations, non-profits, advocacy groups, candidates and officeholders on the intricacies of complex campaign finance and government ethics laws. We also represent clients in Congressional, Department of Justice, federal agency and state attorney general investigations.

Our Government Relations & Regulation Group includes former senior Congressional and California state legislative staff as well as past officials at the U.S. Departments of Transportation, Interior, Commerce, Homeland Security and Justice. Prior to joining Nossaman, our Group members also worked at the International Trade Commission, Federal Election Commission, Federal Highway Administration, National Academy of Sciences and various state agencies. We maintain excellent relationships on both sides of the legislative aisle and with executive branch departments and agencies in Washington, DC and Sacramento.

Advocacy is about action. The Nossaman LLP Political Action Committee is an important advocacy tool that supports dozens of Senate and House candidates, including many from the California federal delegation. In California, Nossaman is a major donor, actively supporting candidates and campaigns.

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