
Reed Neuman has practiced environmental law and litigation for more than four decades. He represents major manufacturers and other private interests throughout the U.S. on environmental compliance matters and responsibility disputes in administrative settings, civil trial courts, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) efforts.

Reed has a comprehensive perspective informed by a decade of government service litigating environmental claims in federal and state courts. While he counsels clients on a broad array of environmental regulatory and compliance issues, he has particular expertise with contaminated media and hazardous substance management under the federal CERCLA (Superfund) and RCRA laws and analogue state programs, including associated natural resource damage (NRD) claims. He has a wealth of experience in multi-party cost allocation projects, and has served as common counsel to groups of responsible parties in administrative and civil matters.

Reed also assists clients in developing strategic business solutions to environmental compliance obligations and disputes, transactions and project development, and litigation and collateral issues, including: managing remediation projects, contractors and costs; conducting due diligence and risk-sharing negotiations in transactions; addressing public relations concerns, and developing public disclosures and accounting determinations. 

Prior to entering private practice, Reed served as a Senior Trial Attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environmental Enforcement Section. While at DOJ, he prosecuted civil enforcement actions arising under the major pollution control statutes, primarily on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). Previously, he was an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Illinois handling civil prosecutions resulting from independent investigations and on behalf of Illinois EPA. Reed served as Section Chief of the Attorney General’s Office’s Southern Region.

He is a member of Nossaman’s Environmental & Land Use and Litigation groups, and currently serves as the Administrative Partner for the Firm’s DC office. Previously, Reed served on the Firm’s Executive, Compensation and Strategic Planning Committees, and as the chair of the Firm’s Natural Resources and Real Estate Department.

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