Washington, DC


1401 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
F 202.466.3215

In a town that regularly sees people come and go, Nossaman remains a familiar face.  Our history in the nation’s capital extends back to the late 1970s.  Our current office, established more than a decade ago, is the result of a merger with O'Connor & Hannan LLP.  Today, the DC office’s litigators, transactional and regulatory attorneys serve clients in the transportation, environment, natural resources, and governmental sectors.

The District of Columbia has been a gracious host and we are committed to giving back.  As part of our mission to serve, we provide pro bono counsel and actively support organizations offering legal aid to underserved populations in our community.

We look forward with optimism to what’s next for the District.

Office Contact

Reed W. Neuman
Office Administrative Partner

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