Handling the Heat: The Evolving Nature of Washington's Wildfires

Joint Nossaman/Environmental Law Institute (ELI) Live Webinar
Seattle, WA
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT

Linda Larson and Willis Hon participated in "Handling the Heat: The Evolving Nature of Washington's Wildfires," a live webinar in conjunction with the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) on October 8, 2019.  

Willis moderated the panel, which, in addition to Linda, also included Jason Callahan, Director of Government Relations, Washington Forest Protection Association and Dr. Maureen Kennedy, Assistant Professor, University of Washington Tacoma.

During the session, panelists examined:

  • The evolving characteristics and implications of wildfires in Washington, as well as effects for the greater Pacific Northwest;
  • How the state, and the Pacific Northwest more broadly, adapt to the increased frequency and severity of wildfires intensified by climate change; and
  • The obstacles and opportunities for forest management including land use, development, and insurance in the context of wildfires.

The webinar panel presented to a live audience at the Washington State Bar Association, as well as via webcast. 

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