Recent Updates to Federal Environmental and Natural Resource Regulations

Nossaman Webinar
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. PT

On August 28, 2024 Rebecca Hays Barho, Brooke Marcus and Svend Brandt-Erichsen presented "Recent Updates to Federal Environmental and Natural Resource Regulations," a webinar covering changes to the federal permitting landscape and ways project proponents can manage the uncertainty that stems from them.

Updates to federal environmental and natural resource regulations and recent consequential decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court have resulted in a significant shift to the federal environmental and natural resource landscape and a degree of regulatory uncertainty for projects across the United States. Changes in regulations affecting compliance under the National Environmental Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and management of greenhouse gas emissions and federal lands, have both streamlined and complicated project delivery. Decisions handed down by the Supreme Court have further impacted the durability of the current regulatory regimes.

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