Speeding Los Angeles to a Smoother Commute

Scheduled to open before the start of the LA Olympics in 2028, the Purple Line Westside Subway Extension Project is a $6+ billion, nine-mile subway extension.

The Purple Line will provide rapid, heavy-rail service beneath most of Wilshire Boulevard from its current terminus at Western Avenue all the way to the VA Hospital west of the 405 Freeway.  Once complete, this project will provide a 25-minute ride between Downtown Los Angeles and Westwood.  It will provide a vital alternative to the heavy congestion travelers face on the 10 Freeway and throughout the Wilshire corridor.

Constructing a subway through the Wilshire corridor presented many challenges, including things as seemingly benign as ensuring sufficient lay down space.  These seemingly benign issues often resulted in temporary construction easements spanning 10 years.  We were one of a handful of law firms selected by LA Metro to help them navigate myriad issues.  We assisted LA Metro in timely securing the right-of-way needed for this highly visible project.  Our services included acquisitions impacting properties such as the Century City Twin Towers, the UCLA campus, and the VA Hospital.  Our attorneys also litigated eminent domain actions involving properties located in the City of Beverly Hills, which presented many interesting valuation challenges.  Even where properties were not directly taken, we provided service to LA Metro in defense of a variety of inverse condemnation actions brought by property owners along the project route.

Through these efforts, we played a proud role in helping alleviate one of the most challenging commutes in Los Angeles.

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