2019 Public Private Partnership Airport Summit

P3C Media's 2019 Public Private Partnership Airport Summit
San Diego, CA

Brandon Davis moderated two panels and participated on a third during the P3C Airport Summit July 22-23, 2019 in San Diego, CA. The event brought together public leaders, project managers, industry executives, and P3 development experts to examine airport transactions in the US and abroad, airport infrastructure challenges, and how innovations in project delivery can help solve them.

"Solving the Puzzle: Effective Project Delivery Selection Processes," held on July 22nd, looked at how airports can develop and faithfully utilize a robust project delivery method selection processes to ensure that it selects the right delivery method for their project.

During "Upcoming Project Showcase: Austin-Bergstrom and Los Angeles International Airport Capital Improvement Presentation" on July 23rd, management professionals from the two airports discussed key upcoming projects that will help them meet an airport’s growing demand through expansion and more efficient operations, as well as how P3s may be utilized as part of this process.

Also on July 23, Brandon spoke on the topic, "Addressing Existing Employment Under Airport P3s."

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