
Rick Rayl is an experienced litigator on a broad range of complex civil litigation issues. His practice is concentrated primarily on eminent domain, inverse condemnation and other real-estate-valuation disputes. His public agency clients have built some of the largest public infrastructure projects in California, including Orange County’s cutting edge 68-mile toll road system, Los Angeles County’s Alameda Corridor and the Los Angeles Unified School District’s massive school expansion program. He currently works with three of the largest regional transportation agencies in California on their projects:  San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA).

Rick also represents property owners and lessees in all aspects of real-estate-valuation disputes, including:

  • Precondemnation planning, offers, and negotiations;
  • Right-to-take challenges and disputes concerning prejudgment possession;
  • Relocation claims and disputes;
  • Fair market value disputes;
  • Claims for loss of business goodwill and other business claims;
  • Claims for precondemnation damages and blight;
  • Inverse condemnation and other property-damage claims; and
  • Regulatory takings.

Rick also advises developers and property owners on various aspects of land use entitlement disputes, commercial unlawful detainers and other lease disputes and other types of real property disputes.

He speaks several times each year to national audiences. He also regularly comments on news, events and policy impacting eminent domain on the Eminent Domain Report blog.

Rick is also active with the following organizations: International Right of Way Association - Chapter 67 (Past-President), Appraisal Institute of Southern California (Associate Member).

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