Streamlining Property Acquisitions for SANDAG's Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project

When faced with pursuing its highest-priority transit project - the Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project - the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) turned to Nossaman to handle its most significant property acquisitions.

This crucial project, a $2 billion, 11-mile trolley line extension from downtown San Diego to University City, will improve access to growing employment, education, and residential areas, and will aid in reducing traffic congestion in the region.  We were called upon to secure all necessary federal transit administration approvals, address environmental challenges, negotiate complex joint parking structure arrangements, and assist in acquiring necessary right of way for numerous transit stations, along with other key critical property needs from major, high-density office and commercial developments.

Our work led to numerous successful negotiated and litigated resolutions.  The project is currently ahead of schedule and under budget.

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