Getting LA Metro Passengers Directly from the Rails to the Air

The 8.5-mile Crenshaw/LAX Line will connect the Metro’s Expo Line to the Green Line.  It will provide badly needed light rail service south from the Expo / Crenshaw Station through Leimert Park, Crenshaw, Inglewood, and other densely populated portions of Los Angeles County.  The crown jewel of this line is its 96th Street / Aviation station.  This station will enable passengers to connect directly to LAX’s Automated People Mover.

At long last, Angelenos will be able to take a train directly into the Central Terminal Area of LAX.  This $2+ billion project was not without its challenges.  LA Metro called on us to guide it through over 40 partial acquisitions of properties along the project alignment.  We implemented creative strategies resulting in a negotiated acquisition for each and every one of the partial acquisitions.  But when trial was necessary, we secured a judgment in its favor on a hotly contested goodwill entitlement issue involving a commercial tenant.  We also secured timely possession of right-of-way needed for the project and played an important part in helping Metro deliver this project to the traveling public on schedule.

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