
For more than 30 years, clients have relied on Barney Allison for practical and strategic guidance in the public finance and infrastructure fields.

Barney offers public agencies unique expertise with specialized finance issues in infrastructure transactions. These include the use of public and private debt, private equity and federal credit assistance – particularly the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) and Private Activity Bond (PAB) programs. He helps clients navigate through all elements of public-private partnerships (P3s) and other innovative project delivery methods.

Chambers-rated nationally and globally in the field of P3s, Barney is a nationally recognized bond counsel and has acted as bond, underwriter, disclosure, issuer and special developer counsel for public capital improvement projects payable from a wide range of revenue and funding sources. He has guided a variety of financing transactions for bridges, tunnels, highways and toll roads; transit and commuter rail systems; and government office buildings, parking complexes and criminal justice centers.

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