Nossaman Congratulates OMWD on Receiving CSDA Exceptional Outreach and Advocacy Award

Nossaman Announcement

Nossaman congratulates the Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD) for receiving the Exceptional Outreach and Advocacy Award from the California Special Districts Association (CSDA) for OMWD’s engagement with legislators and policymakers.

Each year, CSDA presents the Exceptional Outreach and Advocacy Award to one public agency in California with an annual budget of more than $10 million. The award recognizes OMWD for effective communication with legislators and policymakers on topics such as water affordability, water use efficiency regulations and reliable water supplies.

For example, OMWD provided testimony opposing legislation that could increase costs for its ratepayers. OMWD also educated state and federal policymakers on the need to invest in water infrastructure and the development of water supplies. Specifically, OMWD worked successfully with Congress to include grant funding in the federal budget for water infrastructure projects. CSDA also celebrated OMWD’s ongoing advocacy efforts with eight other water and wastewater agencies that make up the North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition.

As the lead agency of the Coalition, OMWD developed strong relationships with legislators and state and federal agencies, successfully securing $30 million in grants from US Bureau of Reclamation for a regional water recycling project. In addition, the Coalition achieved an additional $5 million in grant funding through California Department of Water Resources’ Integrated Regional Water Management Program. The Coalition’s project will deliver up to three billion additional gallons of recycled water each year after its completion.

Ashley Walker serves as Nossaman’s lead policy advisor for OMWD.

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