
Kevin Day represents public entities, transportation agencies, publicly regulated utilities and private business owners in eminent domain and complex business disputes. Kevin has worked on a variety of public projects, including roadway realignments, water treatment plants, electric transmission lines, subterranean pipelines, public transportation facilities, school campus acquisitions and the infrastructure and property rights necessary for the development, production and transmission of renewable energies throughout California. He has experience in heavy-litigated eminent domain actions, including pre-project planning and acquisition, early project implementation and eminent domain and inverse condemnation trial work. This work includes addressing issues in real estate valuation, severance damages and appraisal theory in complex valuation bench and jury trials.

Kevin also has deep experience in the representation of a Southern California water district, to include the extraction of the district from a complex joint powers authority while retaining the key treatment plant.

In addition, Kevin regularly helps clients resolve business litigation matters for private businesses and has tried and arbitrated numerous complex business litigation matters throughout California.

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