NAPPA's 2018 Legal Education Conference
The National Association of Public Pension Attorneys (NAPPA) hosted the 2018 Legal Education Conference in Savannah, GA from June 26-29, 2018 and featured several Nossaman attorneys as speakers.
Peter Mixon provided the "Overview of Public Pensions (Including Actuaries!)." He also presented "What Public Retirement System Attorneys Should Know About Representing Their Clients: A 2018 Survival Guide," which provided a high-level overview of issues that public pension fund attorneys should know regarding benefits (including litigation), funding, investments, and plan sponsors.
Yuliya Oryol presented "A Conversation With our Public Plan Business Colleagues – Perspectives on the Current Investment Market and Pressures Faced to Meet Returns."
Ashley Dunning presented "Setting Economic Actuarial Assumptions: A Fiduciary Process." She also moderated "What to Do When #MeToo Hits Your Public Retirement Board and System," a panel on which John Kennedy also served as a panelist. This panel examined the nuances and challenges of advising and representing public boards composed of appointed and elected members regarding sexual harassment claims made against their system’s senior executives. Ashley also closed out the conference with "Litigation Update," during which she described the latest developments in pending public pension cases in California that are of national interest.