California Political Contribution & Gift Limits Increased for 2025-2026
California's Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has increased the financial limits for political contributions and gifts to state candidates and officials. These new limits took effect on January 1, 2025, and will remain in place until December 31, 2026. Local candidates and officials should note that they are subject to these state limits unless their jurisdiction has adopted specific local limits.
New Limits
The FPPC is required by the Political Reform Act to adjust limits every two years based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The updated limits for 2025-2026 are as follows:
Campaign Contribution Limits
Assembly, Senate, CalPERS/CALSTRS Candidates
- Existing limit: $5,500
- New limit: $5,900
Statewide Offices (excluding Governor)
- Existing limit: $9,100
- New limit: $9,800
- Existing limit: $36,400
- New limit: $39,200
Officeholder Account Contribution Limits
Assembly, Senate
- Existing limit: $4,500
- New limit: $4,900
Statewide Offices (excluding Governor)
- Existing limit: $7,500
- New limit: $8,100
- Existing limit: $30,200
- New limit: $32,600
Gift Limits
General Gift Limit
- Existing limit: $590
- New limit: $630
Important Note for Donors: Candidates are likely to request contributions in line with these new limits. Additionally, any donor who contributes a total of $10,000 or more in a calendar year must report this to the FPPC as a Major Donor. Nossaman can assist donors and contributors in complying with these and other related rules.