
Andrée Blais advises public agencies in the use of innovative procurement and contracting methods for the development and delivery of major public infrastructure projects in the transportation and social infrastructure sectors. She focuses her practice on public-private partnership (P3) and design-build delivery, as well as early contractor involvement models such as CMGC, progressive design-build, and predevelopment or progressive P3 structures.

Andrée serves as a lead or key member of Nossaman teams assisting with high profile U.S. projects, and offers the additional benefit of substantial infrastructure experience in Canada – a country with a well-established approach to P3 delivery.

While in Canada, Andrée’s roles included working with Alberta Justice, where she led the legal team advising the Province of Alberta on its first two AP social infrastructure P3 deals and helped advance major transportation projects and a water/wastewater facility through P3 models.

Andrée, who had the privilege of beginning her legal career as a law clerk to the Hon. Justice Frank Iacobucci of the Supreme Court of Canada, co-authored Nossaman’s model social infrastructure P3 legislation.

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