We draw on the depth and sophistication of our experienced trial lawyers to provide us with the platform to deliver unparalleled client service. We help clients navigate the most contentious and complicated liquidations, reorganizations, and workouts.
We represent parties affected by the bankruptcies of other entities to maximize asset recovery, prosecute existing claims, restructure financings, and realize purchase opportunities arising from Chapter 7 and 11 bankruptcies. Our clients include real estate developers, utilities, water and energy companies, governmental and public agencies, banks and thrift institutions, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and leasing and finance companies.
We represent creditors and other interested parties, including:
- asset purchasers
- bondholders
- defendants in preference and other transfer avoidance litigation
- environmental claimants
- equity holders
- government agencies
- parties to executory contracts
- parties to insurance coverage and proceeds disputes
- public utilities
- real estate lessors
- secured and unsecured lenders
- statutory and ad hoc committees
- trade creditors
We have significant experience structuring bankruptcy transactions, including purchases and leases of businesses, hospitals, and properties in bankruptcy proceedings. We help parties affected by bankruptcies find value as well as a path forward.