San Lorenzo Valley Water District. General counsel to the San Lorenzo Valley Water District on all aspects of its operations involving the provision of drinking water and wastewater collection in Santa Cruz County.
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency. Representing Fox Canyon in the development and implementation of draft groundwater sustainability plans in multiple basins throughout Ventura County and related litigation, including the first comprehensive adjudication of groundwater rights under SGMA.
Imperial Irrigation District. Assisting with the District’s defense to a writ of mandate brought by agricultural water users to challenge the District’s water distribution plan.
City of Ontario. Advising the City on ongoing basis in connection with a wide range of water-related legal issues including regional water and sewer system management and proceedings seeking to amend the Chino basin judgment.
Goleta Water District. Assisted with a water rights lawsuit brought by the District in Santa Barbara Superior Court against a private water user.
California Water Association. Assisted with the preparation of a template joint powers agreement for use in streamlining the formation of Joint Powers Authorities to serve as groundwater sustainability agencies under SGMA. Assisted with preparing public comment letters to state agencies including the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Resources Control Board.
Proposition 218. Provided legal advice to several public agency clients regarding potential changes to water or sewer fees and charges.