
Joseph Haney is co-chair of Nossaman’s Real Estate Group. He guides real estate owners and operators through all manner of complex real estate transactions. This includes the acquisition, development and operation of real property, as well as related leasing and financing issues. He negotiates and drafts purchase and sale agreements and conducts due diligence, including reviews of title and environmental and land use conditions.

Joseph advises developers on both small- and large-scale community projects requiring coordinated permitting across multiple government levels, including condominiums, hotels, retail spaces, parking structures and office buildings. He has extensive experience in preparing and reviewing entitlement applications, ensuring they are thorough and comply with all local and state regulations. Joseph also negotiates and drafts purchase and sale agreements, conducting due diligence, which includes reviewing title, environmental factors and land use conditions. By working closely with developers and professional planners, he helps streamline the application process, minimize regulatory and entitlement risks, identify potential development obstacles and develop practical solutions.

Additionally, Joseph regularly advises clients in the formation and structure of joint ventures. He provides counsel regarding the most tax-efficient method for structuring the ownership, acquisition and disposition of real estate. He guides them through tax-deferred exchanges, including reverse exchanges, build-to-suit exchanges and exchanges involving partnerships, limited liability companies and tenants-in-common arrangements.

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