- Regulatory Uncertainty and Linear Infrastructure Projects: Where Are We and What’s Ahead?09.01.2022
- Show Me the Money: How the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Will Benefit Public Projects02.24.2022
- California Employment Law Update: What Employers Need to Know in 202202.03.2022
- Turning the Tide on Cybersecurity for the Water Sector11.16.2021
- Partial Acquisitions: A Case Study on Severance Damages, Offsetting Project Benefits and Mitigation Strategies08.04.2021
- Linear Infrastructure Redux: Adapting Your Projects to Meet the New Regulatory Climate06.15.2021
- Living on the Edge: Managing Sea Level Rise in California05.27.2021
- The First 100 Days of President Biden’s Environmental Policy: Revolution or Back to Basics?04.15.2021
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Litigation Economic Damages04.13.2021
- Taking the Plunge: Lessons Learned from Water System Consolidations03.23.2021
- Insurance Issues Faced by Employers in Times of COVID-1902.23.2021
- Eminent Domain in 2020: A Year in Review02.11.2021
- Navigating Leave and Disability Protection Laws During COVID-19: A Practical Guide for California Employers01.28.2021
- Legislative Updates for Employers to Plan for a Successful (and Compliant) 202112.15.2020
- The New NEPA Regulations: A Practical Guide to What You Need to Know12.10.2020
- Flood or Drought? A Discussion of the Election’s Potential Legislative Impacts on the Water Sector12.03.2020
- Protecting Information in a Work-From-Home World11.17.2020
- PPP Loan Forgiveness: Employment and Tax Issues for Borrowers09.22.2020
- Key CEQA Compliance Considerations for Vehicle Miles Traveled Analyses08.04.2020
- Adapting Your Linear Infrastructure Projects to Changing Regulatory Frameworks07.30.2020
- WOTS Next? An Update on the Clean Water Act and Regulation of Waters of the State & Waters of the U.S.07.16.2020
- Back to Business: An HR Roadmap for Life After Lockdown07.09.2020
- A Path to Transit and Transportation Project Success in the Wake of the Pandemic: A Panel Discussion Among Legal Professionals06.03.2020
- Emerging From Lockdown on Solid Footing: How Nonprofits Can Prepare for Whatever Comes Next05.20.2020
- Keeping Current on COVID-19 Challenges for the Water Industry04.16.2020
- Navigating COVID-19 for the Right of Way Industry04.01.2020