- 05.14.2010 | Nossaman eAlert
- 05.14.2010 | The NAPPA Report
- 05.06.2010 | Nossaman eAlert
- 04.01.2010 | The Natural Lawyer
- 03.31.2010 | Daily Journal
- 03.29.2010 | Nossaman eAlert
- 03.23.2010 | Daily Journal
- 03.16.2010 | Nossaman eAlert
- 03.16.2010 | Nossaman eAlert
- 01.21.2010 | Daily Journal
- 2010 | U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of California Website
- 01.04.2010 | Daily Journal
- 01.2010 | LexisNexis Environmental Law & Climate Change Center
- 01.01.2010 | The Journal of Contemporary Health Law & Policy
- 01.2010 | LexisNexis Environmental Law & Climate Change Center
- 12.17.2009 | Nossaman eAlert
- 12.15.2009 | Daily Journal
- 10.15.2009 | Daily Journal
- 09.14.2009 | Nossaman eAlert
- 07.06.2009 | California Real Estate Journal
- 05.04.2009 | Daily Journal
- 04.07.2009 | Daily Journal
- 03.16.2009 | Nossaman eAlert
- 03.09.2009 | Nossaman eAlert
- 02.26.2009 | Report of the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission
- 02.10.2009 | Nossaman eAlert
- 01.21.2009 | Nossaman eAlert
- 01.06.2009 | Nossaman eAlert
- 01.02.2009 | Daily Journal
- 12.31.2008 | Public Works Financing
- 08.01.2008 | American Bar Association Endangered Species Committee Newsletter
- 04.29.2008 | Nossaman eAlert
- 07.2007 | Privatisation & Public Private Partnership Review (Euromoney Yearbooks)
- 06.04.2007 | California Real Estate Journal
- 07.01.2006 | Privatisation & Public Private Partnership Review 2006/07
- Summer 2001 | Natural Resources and Environment
- 04.01.1997 | Task E- Final Report, prepared for the Federal Highway Administration
- 1979 | 26 UCLA Law Review 583-681
Media Contact
For all media inquiries, please contact:
Eric Miller
Communications Director