Fiduciary Governance of Public Retirement Plans: Striving for Excellence Through Prudent Delegation, Sound Oversight, Effective Communication and Thoughtful Leadership

National Council Teacher Retirement 37th Annual System Directors’ Meeting
New York, NY

On June 14, 2024, Ashley Dunning presented “Fiduciary Governance of Public Retirement Plans: Striving for Excellence Through Prudent Delegation, Sound Oversight, Effective Communication and Thoughtful Leadership” during the National Council Teacher Retirement 37th Annual System Directors’ Meeting. Public retirement systems and their boards are consistently striving for excellence in their administration of plans and investment of plan assets. The question becomes, however, how best do they achieve that excellence? Can systems and boards improve outcomes through enhancing their fiduciary governance models?

During this session, Ashley explored the current best practices and policies for prudent delegation, effective internal and external communications and sound oversight. She also discussed the roles and responsibilities of boards, staff and external advisors with respect to their fiduciary responsibilities and successful outcomes through enhanced governance models.

The National Council on Teacher Retirement (NCTR) is an independent association dedicated to safeguarding the integrity of public retirement systems in the United States and its territories to which teachers belong and to promoting the rights and benefits of all present and future members of the systems.

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