Skills of Expert Testimony

International Right of Way Association Anchorage “Sourdough” Chapter Training Course
Anchorage, AK
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PT

On February 19, 2025, Matt Hansen instructed an all-day “Skills of Expert Testimony” training course for the International Right of Way (IRWA) Anchorage “Sourdough” Chapter. This course covered the following topics: what to consider when hiring a witness and when accepting an assignment, how to handle discovery and exchange of information, what you need to know about a jury, ways to handle qualifications, techniques of direct testimony, the do’s and don’ts of displays and techniques of effective cross-examination.

The International Right of Way Association (IRWA) is a global, member-led organization of dedicated professionals within the right of way industry. Established in 1934 as a not-for-profit association, IRWA's purpose has always been to improve people's quality of life through infrastructure development.

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