California Coastal Commission 2012: A New Era in Coastal Planning and Permitting

Nossaman California Coastal Commission Seminar
Huntington Beach, CA
1:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Nossaman hosted an afternoon seminar with members and key staff of the Coastal Commission alongside various industry experts.  This interactive discussion featured Charles Lester, Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission, Mary Shallenberger, Chair of the California Coastal Commission, and Bonnie Neely, former Chair of the California Coastal Commission and Senior Policy Advisor with Nossaman.  Additional panelists included Jonna Engel, ecologist for the California Coastal Commission, Michael Tripp, planning specialist with the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, Mark Stilwell, Executive Vice President, Real Estate, for Pebble Beach Company, and Nossaman coastal law partners John Erskine and John Flynn.   

During this program, our expert panelists discussed the Local Coastal Program and Coastal Development Permit (CDP) process, best practices when processing CDPs with the Commission, and the latest Commission developments in wetlands and tidelands regulation.

June 12, 2012

Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa

1:00-1:30   Registration
1:30-3:00   "Local Coastal Planning: Case Studies in Success"
3:00-3:15   Break
3:15-4:45   "ESHA/Wetlands Briefing"
4:45-5:00   Wrap-Up
5:00-6:00   Cocktail Reception & Networking

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