"Nossaman is the premier eminent domain counsel and real estate legal consultant for any project involving complex right of way acquisition.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with their staff on numerous high profile, large scale corridor projects and they have been a large reason these projects have been a success. I didn’t understand the value of having their input prior to any acquisition or valuation activities, but their input on how to minimize the risk and guide the process through eminent domain has been invaluable.
Most recently, their staff have been a staple to our high profile design build project in Los Angeles over the last 24 months supporting the agency on over 15 extraordinarily complex acquisitions that included numerous complex business relocations. They provided direction early on how best to set the agency in the event eminent domain was necessary and identified several items that with revised language in the offers or deed documentation virtually eliminated damage claims associated with the final order of condemnations issued by the court. Also, through hosting strategy sessions and their selection of expert witnesses, we most recently settled a case that eliminated millions of dollars in potential damage claims from the claimant party. This has been the same result for a similar high profile transportation corridor project in Bakersfield.
Their depth, expertise and professionalism are second to none and I highly recommend them to any public agency.”
Josh Cosper
Senior Project Manager
Mark Thomas & Company, Inc.