Arizona Attorney General’s Office. Michelle advised the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) on right of way acquisition, utilities and railroads, billboard and encroachment permits, highway maintenance and construction contracts. She also served as lead counsel in eminent domain lawsuits on multiple projects involving multimillion-dollar cases. Michelle represented ADOT in State vs. Foothills Reserve Master Owners’ Association, a complex, multi-year case which resulted in a published Arizona Supreme Court opinion.
Chapman Law Firm. While working for Michael G. Chapman in Nevada, Michelle handled cases involving takings for road projects, redevelopment projects, public utilities and mining operations. She represented agencies across the state including the City of Reno, City of Sparks, Washoe County, Clark County, Truckee Meadows Flood Control District, Nevada Power Company, Sierra Pacific Power Company, the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority and the Clark County School District.