Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) – Link Union Station (Link US) Project. Member of the legal team advising on the agency’s CM/GC project to convert LA’s Union Station from a “stub-end” to a “run-through” station, increase operational capacity to meet the demands of the regional rail system and provide full multimodal connectivity between light rail, subway, commuter and intercity rail with local, regional and intercity transportation services. The project, which will be delivered in two phases, includes modifications to platform 4, construction of a viaduct across the 101 freeway to ultimately accommodate 10 tracks, and raising the entire track yard.
Colorado Transportation Investment Office (CTIO) – Commercial Tolling Back-Office. Key member of Nossaman team that is advising CTIO on procurement of a tolling back-office system that is secure and capable of integration with the new Express Lanes facilities and other third-party systems, including interoperable toll agencies/hubs, transit and parking.
The Regents of University of California – University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Proton Therapy Center Project. Member of the legal team that counsels the University of California on the P3 agreement for the construction of a three-room proton therapy center and multistory complex medical facility. Once completed, the clinical building at UCSF’s Mission Bay campus will be 190,000 square feet in size and provide a surgery center, adult primary and secondary multi-specialty clinics and a state-of-the-art proton therapy center. It will offer innovative treatment facilities and options for cancer patients and help accommodate the growing volume of patients, and the center will enable UCSF to participate in and benefit from expanded research and teaching opportunities.
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) – Sepulveda Pass Transit Corridor Project. Member of the legal team engaged to implement LA Metro’s first application of the Pre-Development Agreement delivery method to develop the approximately $6 billion to $10 billion Sepulveda Pass Rail Transit project through one of the most congested interstate highway corridors in the nation. This transit line will connect with the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles’ Westside, integrating into the East-West San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit, the Orange Line, the Purple Line, the E Line (formerly the Expo Line), and ultimately the Los Angeles International Airport.
East County Advanced Water Purification (ECAWP) Joint Powers Authority (JPA) – East County Advanced Water Purification Project. Member of the legal team advising the JPA in the development of four progressive design-build (PDB) packages that will provide East San Diego County with a new, safe, sustainable and drought-proof water supply using state-of-the-art technology and potable reuse. Once online, the ECAWP Project is anticipated to treat the combined 2025 wastewater flow of approximately 15 million gallons per day and produce up to 12,880 acre-feet per year or 11.5 MGD, of new, safe, reliable and locally controlled potable water supply. This represents approximately 30% of East County’s water demand. Advising on all aspects of the procurement including structuring the transaction, drafting the RFQ, RFP and PDB contracts.
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) – East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project. Member of the legal team advising on the progressive design-build delivery of the $1.6 to $2.0 billion 6.7 mile at-grade light rail transit line between LA Metro’s “G” Line (Orange) in Van Nuys to San Fernando Road in Pacoima. The new transit line will include 14 new stations, traction power substations and a new Maintenance & Storage Facility. The project also includes a public-private partnership component and is the second project to enter the Federal Transit Administration’s Expedited Project Delivery pilot program.