City of Phoenix, NWEI, NWEII and SCE. Condemnation of property and design review for three extensions of the light rail system in Phoenix, Arizona.
City of Phoenix, CAPX. Design review for Capitol Extension of light rail system in Phoenix, Arizona.
City of Phoenix, Various Projects including Canalscape multi-use path, 35th Avenue widening, Broadway Avenue widening, Pioneer Park preservation, Levine Sewer Force Mains installation, 42nd Street acquisition and improvement.
SRP, Various Projects. Condemnation of property for transmission corridors for a number of 230kV and 69kV projects in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. Successfully defended title to historic canals and canal banks.
City of Tucson, Houghton Road, Broadway Boulevard, Grant Road, Silverbell Road and Downtown Links. Condemnation of property for various road widenings and for construction of a bypass through downtown Tucson.
Town of Marana, Tangerine Road. Condemnation of property for a regional east-west corridor.
ADOT, SR 202 (Red Mountain), SR 179, East Flagstaff TI (IH 40). Project and condemnation counsel.
ADOT, miscellaneous condemnation assignments. San Tan Freeway, Chandler Road Interchange, SR 95.
ADOT and Town of Marana, Twin Peaks TI project. Condemned property and provided advice for new I-10 Traffic Interchange.
City of Yuma/Yuma County, various street widenings, military airport clear zone, water facilities and West Wetlands park. Condemnation for a variety of projects.
City of Bullhead City, Colorado River bridge, municipal water system. Condemnation of property for new bridge over Colorado River. Condemnation of operating water system.
Coconino County, East Paintbrush flood control project. Condemnation of property for flood control.
Town of Carefree, municipal water system. Condemnation of a portion of an operating utility. Condemnation of water line easements and water storage facility.
Big Park Domestic Wastewater Improvement District, treatment plant and sewer mains. Condemnation of property for sewer mains and new wastewater treatment plant.
City of Glendale, airport expansion. Condemnation of property within expanded runway’s clear zone.
City of Glendale, Grand Avenue access management project. Condemned access rights and additional property for the improvement of Grand Avenue.
City of Glendale, Northern Parkway. Provided design consultation and condemned early acquisitions for urban parkway.
Town of El Mirage, Downtown core improvements. Condemn property for road widening.
Big Park Domestic Waste Water Improvement District, wastewater treatment plant. Condemned property and provided advice for new wastewater treatment plant near Sedona.
Pinal County, undocumented right of way. Perfected title to historic roadway through condemnation.
Mohave County, Virgin Gorge Bridge, undocumented right of way. Condemned property for replacement of Virgin Gorge Bridge including for USACE environmental mitigation; perfected title to historic roadway through quiet title and condemnation.
Yuma County. Condemnation for roadway.
Pinal County. Defended/condemned title to undocumented right of way (Dudleyville Crossing) and miscellaneous condemnation matters.
Magma Flood Control District. Flood control improvements in Pinal County.