
Chris Kramer practices in the areas of eminent domain, condemnation and inverse condemnation litigation, real property and right of way acquisition and management. He works with his public agency clients to ensure that the property necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of public infrastructure is acquired in an efficient and timely manner. He often advises clients during the design process to mitigate impacts to affected property owners before they happen, reducing costs and delays often associated with property acquisition. 

Having practiced for more than 38 years, he has the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience to help ensure timely and cost-effective delivery of a wide variety of infrastructure projects. He has worked on and condemned property for projects including high-voltage transmission facilities, streets, freeways, traffic interchanges, municipal water and wastewater facilities, light rail and transit, airports, wetlands, parks, utility systems and flood control facilities, among others. He also is available to serve as a mediator in eminent domain, property rights and property valuation matters. 

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