Yukiko Kojima Quoted on P3 Best Practices

Construction Dive

Yukiko Kojima was quoted in Construction Dive on some of the best practices involved when using a P3 approach on major infrastructure projects. In the article, Yukiko stated that the smoothest P3s are the ones with collaboration between all stakeholders and where risks are allocated efficiently before work begins. She added that a P3 approach “create[s] an opportunity for contractors and subs to get involved in very large, complex projects with corresponding risks and returns” and that “effective collaboration is critical for every P3 project.”

Recent examples of high profile, successful P3 projects include “two…P3s underway at the Los Angeles International Airport: a $4.9 billion automated people mover system, a design-build joint venture led by Fluor, and a $2 billion consolidated car rental facility, a design-build venture led by PCL [as well as] the $1.3 billion UC Merced 2020 project from design/builder Webcor, which is due to be completed next year.”

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