Water Users to Sue Power Plants Over Troubled Delta Fish
Nossaman Partner Paul Weiland is featured in the Associated Press article, "Water users to sue power plants over troubled delta fish, " published in the San Diego Union-Tribune, Orange County Register, The Fresno Bee, Contra Costa Times, and San Jose Mercury News.
On behalf of Nossaman's client, the Coalition for a Sustainable Delta, Dr. Weiland sent a notice of intent to file a lawsuit alleging that power plants operated by Mirant Corp. are causing harm to the endangered Delta smelt. Pumping over a billion gallons of water a day from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to cool steam at Mirant Corp.'s power plants, not only kills tens of thousands of endangered Delta smelt each year, but also harms their environment by returning warmer water to their habitat. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will also face action from the Coalition for a Sustainable Delta for their authorization of Mirant Cops. actions in violation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).