Resident appointed to commission by Congress
Nossaman Partner and Infrastructure Practice Group leader, Geoff Yarema, was featured in The Beach Reporter article, "Resident appointed to commission by Congress."
Mr. Yarema was appointed by United States Secretary of Transportation, Mary Peters, to serve on the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission, a federal advisory committee Congress created as part of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users ("SAFETEA-LU"). The 15-member Financing Commission has been charged with the task of: analyzing the needs for future capital improvements to the country's highways and transit systems; determining the value of revenue sources currently supporting the Highway Trust Fund; and making recommendations to supplement available funding and meet further national infrastructure needs.
Mr. Yarema is quoted in the article as saying, "the Highway Trust Fund is eroding," which is one of the reasons the Financing Commission was created. "Congress has given us two years to answer certain questions and give recommendations," continued Mr. Yarema.