Infrastructure Attorney Stephanie Kam Authors Article For Railway Age On P3 Light Rail Financing

Railway Age

Stephanie Kam, an Associate in Nossaman’s Infrastructure Practice Group, co-authored the article LRT, the P3 Way for the April 2018 issue of Railway Age.  The article provides an overview of how various local governments across Canada are leveraging the Public-Private Partnership (P3) model to deliver billion $ light-rail transit (LRT) projects.  It also explores the most common P3 methods Canadian public transit agencies have employed  to deliver these projects—Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM); Design-Build-Finance-Maintain (DBFM); and Design-Build-Finance(DBF).

Ms. Kam offers advice in alternative delivery, transportation regulation, federal funding and project financing.  She has worked on complex procurements and contracts for innovative rail projects throughout the world, including the North-South Railway Project in the Philippines and the Dar es Salaam-Isaka-Kigali/Keza-Musongati Railway Project in East Africa.  To read her full Railway Age article, click the PDF here.

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