Ashley Dunning, Alex Westerfield Noted for CalPERS Appellate Win
Nossaman was highlighted for its work for the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) in the Bloomberg Law article “Ex-Police Union Leader Fails in Appeal for More Pension Benefits.” The piece reports on how the California Court of Appeals for the Third Appellate District affirmed a lower court’s ruling in the Serrano v. Pub. Emps.’ Ret. Sys. matter—which emanated from a dispute regarding special compensation, including compensation earned during a leave of absence, being included as “compensation earnable” when calculating an individual’s pension.
When issuing its ruling, the Court said, “Pensionable compensation is limited to the base pay one receives for services performed during normal working hours.”
The Daily Journal and Bloomberg Law also highlighted the win for CalPERS. Ashley Dunning and Alex Westerfield represented CalPERS on the matter.