An Insurance Coverage Checklist for PFAS Defendants


Joe Saka, Willis Hon and Andrew Reidy authored the article “An Insurance Coverage Checklist for PFAS Defendants” for Law360. 

In the article, Joe, Willis and Andrew examine how per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS, are the emerging contaminant of concern for both regulators and the regulated community. THey discuss how, in a May 28, 2024 article in The New York Times titled “Lawyers to Plastics Makers: Prepare for 'Astronomical' PFAS Lawsuits,” one defense attorney warned that PFAS liability exposures could “dwarf anything related to asbestos.”

Given the potential significance, understanding the insurance issues surrounding PFAS facilitates the ability of the regulated community to deal with the challenges that lie ahead. To offer guidance on the matter, the article explores crucial considerations for policyholders in navigating insurance claims for PFAS-related liabilities.

To read the full article, click here.

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